
TRANSLATION: City in grey
SOURCE: Dick Oakes learned this dance from Dani Dassa who choreographed it. Moshe Eskayo taught another version.
BACKGROUND: Moshe Eskayo and Rivka Sturman have choreographed line dances by the same name. In Israel, the dance we in the United States call Erev Ba is danced to this music. Tel Aviv, Israel, is often called the "City in Grey."
MUSIC: Tikva (LP) T-142
Tikva (45rpm) T-45-105
Rikud (LP) KM4868
FORMATION:Cpls in a cir, M backs to ctr, W facing M, hands are free and held at sides.
STEPS/STYLE: YEMENITE STEP TO RIGHT: Simply called "Yemenite R." Step R swd, bending R knee (ct 1); step up onto ball of L in back of R (ct &); step onto full R across in front of L (ct 2).

YEMENITE STEP TO LEFT: Simply called "Yemenite L." Step L swd, bending L knee (ct 1); step up onto ball of R in back of L (ct &); step onto full L across in front of R (ct 2).


1-4No action.
1Yemenite R (cts 1,2,3); step L bwd away from ptr (ct 4);
1Step R diag fwd to R, turning to face nearly 1/4 CW to R and passing ptr to the R as ptrs turn away from each other (ct 1); continuing CW turn, step L diag bwd to L, turning nearly 1/4 CW to almost have exchanged places with ptr (ct 2); completing 1/2 CW turn, small step R swd, facing ptr (ct 3); step L across in front of R (ct 4);
1Yemenite R (cts 1,2,3); pause (ct 4);
1Yemenite L (cts 1,2,3); pause (ct 4);
1Repeat aciton of meas 1-4, exchanging places again to end in orig formation pos.
1Step R swd on ball of ft (ct 1); step L across in front of R on full ft, touching L palms with ptr at shldr height (ct 2); step R in place in back of L (ct 3); step L swd on ball of ft (ct 4);
2Step R across in front of L on full ft, touching R palms with ptr at shldr height (ct 1); step L in place in back of R (ct 2); rock R swd with both hands held at shldr height, palms fwd but not touching ptr (ct 3); rock L swd with hands still raised (ct 4);
3Bringing hands down across own body and extending them out to sides with finger snap, long R step diag to R, turning nearly 1/4 CCW to face ptr almost "nose-to-nose" (ct 1); pause (ct 2); step L across in back of R, turning nearly 1/4 CCW to almost have exchanged places with ptr (ct 3); step R swd, completing 1/2 turn CCW (ct 4);
4Facing ptr, step L across in front of R (ct 1); pause (ct 2); rock R swd (ct 3); rock L swd (ct 4);
5-8Repeat action of mas 1-4, exchanging places again to end in orig Formation pos.
1Step R swd, extending hands low to sides (ct 1); pause (ct 2); raise bent L leg in front as hands cross in front of body with finger snap (ct 3); pause (ct 4);
2Repeat action of meas 1 to L with opp ftwk;
3Rock R swd (ct 1); step L in place (ct 2); close R to L taking wt (ct 3); pause (ct 4);
4Repeat action of meas 3 to L with opp ftwk;
5-8Repeat actio of meas 1-4.
 Repeat entire dance from beg.



Im tirtzi she'areh lach et ha'ir be'afor
Bo'i unetayel bah al avnei mirtzafot.
/ Dom nisa et eineinu
Layonim she'afot
Im tirtzi she'areh lach et ha'ir be'afor. /
Az eten et yadai lach
Venered laretzif
Aremot shel shalechet
Sham haru'ach ya'if
At vadai techasi lach et roshech betza'if
Kshe'eten et yadi lach
Venered laretzif.
Al safsal az neshevah
Ve'im redet ha'or
Im tagidi "ayafti min ha'ir be'afor"
Ashivech al k'naf-nesher
(Ve)al gav/gabei ananim
El irech shechiktah lach bevatim levanim.
  If you want me to show you the city in gray
Come and we'll stroll on paving stones.
Silently we'll lift our eyes
to the flying doves
If you want me to show you the city in gray.
Then I'll give you my hands
And we'll descend to the wharf
Where the wind will cast airborne
Heaps of fallen leaves.
You'll certainly cover your head with a kerchief
When I give you my hand
And we descend to the wharf.
Then we'll sit on a bench
And with the fading light
If you say, "I've tired of the city in gray,”
I'll return you on eagle's wing
Astride clouds
To your city that awaited you with white houses.

Copyright © 2012 by Dick Oakes